Raw Html

If you provide raw Html to the config panel,

It will set the content to the Div

Raw Settings

Note: A textbox has limited space, use Attachment if you have alot of Html

Attachment Html

If you provide a singular Html file to load,

The plugin will set the Div content to your attached file

Attachment Settings


Set the max height your content should render at,

Defaulting to : 1080px

Note: Don’t user View-Height unit, Confluence + View-Height unit, goes strange


Confluence does not allow direct access to files/endpoints

You can call other endpoints, but the CSP content rules will be applied

Fetching data from Confluence

If you want to fetch the export view of a Confluence page call:

const tablePageContentId = "7831683"
const data = await window.fetchConfluence(tablePageContentId)
body = data.body.export_view.value; 

// returns html content that the page would of rendered

See Example Fetch