You want to render a chart, using data from Confluence pages

Or you want to add interactivity to a picture

Example: Rendering a chart

How the above page works

How Data is fetched

Create an app that calls the window fuction: fetchConfluence

The data

Create a page with: Page Properties with a table

Parent Page

Note the id field, needs to be set the same across all

Create child page

Child Page

Note the id field, needs to be set the same across all

Create an Index page

With Page Properties Report

Page Properties

Page Properties Settings

Note the id field, needs to be set the same across all

  • Change the max rows to the amount of pages you have

The app

You can create an HTML app that produces a single Html file containing all that it needs to run

(Svelte + Vite template does this quite well)

To get the data

See the example fetch call that returns the table as HTML

See Example Fetch

From here it is up to you to build an app

Refer to the Repo for example how this works

Example app repo